Christian Formation at Saint Andrew's encompasses several components, starting with the nursery and children’s chapel and also Sunday School, Wednesday Night Family Bible Study, Vacation Bible School, Communion and Confirmation training and special events for various seasons. The children of Saint Andrew’s, are loved and supported in their walk to learn more and together we will continue to lead our children in their spiritual growth and development. Contact office@standrewsbcs.org to learn more.
For the youngest members of our congregation nursery is provided during the 9:00 and 11:15 Sunday services as well as holy days and special events. We currently have a full complement of 3 workers who are all trained in Safe Guarding God’s Children and CPR.
Chapel is provided for children during the 9:00 service every Sunday during the school year. We depart during the Gospel to walk up to the Music Room for singing and playing instruments with Linda Patterson. Parents are always welcome to accompany children to chapel.
Toddler Class
The class begins with learning how to say a prayer together that goes along with our Bible Story topic. A very small Bible concept is taught and reinforced with flannel board stories, puppets and picture cards. The toddlers are involved and love to learn new songs and finger actions. A craft is made to reinforce the bible topic. Sometimes they play games or sing more songs.
Early Elementary
The early elementary class is using the Godly Play curriculum for children, ages 4 years through the 2rd grade. These lessons explore the Old Testament and Saints, and include stories, crafts and hands-on lessons.
Middler Class
The Middler class, 3rd through 6th graders study the “Deep Blue” Curriculum. This study allows for a bible story to be studied in depth for three weeks with the focus being on a different aspect of the story each week. This curriculum also has a more diverse set of activities to enrich the lesson including art, cooking, games and activities.
Vacation Bible School
Our Vacation Bible School is a highlight each year, and is designed for ages 4 through high school. VBS is typically four evenings, 5:00-8:00 p.m., and begins with a family meal. The children go upstairs for the program and rotate stations to include crafts, music, story telling and games. Children ages 6th through high school are encouraged to serve as helpers, and parent volunteers welcome.
Special Events
The children participate in several special events throughout the year during Sunday worship service. Children often learn a song during Chapel time, then sing it together during Communion. On Pentecost Sunday they participate in a processional and recessional carrying streamers depicting the fire of the Holy Spirit. On Saint Andrew’s day they take part in carrying banners, flags and streamers depicting the various countries which Saint Andrew is the patron saint. At the Christmas Eve service our youth read short narratives as the younger children bring forward the characters of the crèche.