Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is Stewardship?
A. Historically, “steward” comes from the Anglo-Saxon Old English conjunction of “stig” (in the sense of house or hall) and “weard” (as in warden), a highly important vocation in the 17th century. The word also evolved as a verb to describe the practice of caring for something that belongs to someone else. The Bible calls us to be stewards of the resources and creation given to us by God.
Q. What is the annual pledge campaign?
A. As part of stewarding the ministry that has been entrusted to Saint Andrew’s, each fall we have a pledge campaign to invite members to make a financial pledge for the next year’s annual operating budget.
Q. What is a pledge?
A. An annual pledge is a financial commitment made in thanksgiving for what God has given you that you will give to the church’s annual operating budget in the coming year.
Q. When I make a pledge, what will the money be used for?
A. These gifts go towards the church’s operating budget. This includes all the expenses required for the day-to-day ministry of Saint Andrew’s including a full-time priest and staff salaries, worship expenses, insurance, utilities, and maintenance to our buildings. It costs approximately $1700 a day for Saint Andrew’s to operate.
Q. How much should I give?
A. The Episcopal Church teaches the Biblical tithe of 10% as the standard of giving. How much to give is a decision for each household to reach prayerfully. Our primary hope is that each household makes a pledge to Saint Andrew’s in thanksgiving for what God has given them.
Q. Why is Saint Andrew’s talking about money? Isn’t that personal?
A. Money is required for Saint Andrew’s to operate and is almost entirely supported by the financial gifts of its members. Talking about money is personal and spiritual because how we spend our money is a symbol of our values and priorities.
Q. When do I start giving?
A. The church is asking you to make a pledge or financial commitment for 2025 letting the Treasurer know what you plan to give during the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2025.
Q. What is the Matthias Gift?
A. Named after the 13th Apostle, the Matthias Gift is the addition of a “13th payment” to one’s regular 12-month annual pledge.
Q. How can I submit my pledge?
A. Pledge cards may be returned in the offering plate, via mail, or at the church office. A pledge card is in each pledge packet. Pledge cards can also be found in the parlor and narthex.
Q. How do I make my gifts?
A. There are several ways:
Give securely online. Go to http://www.standrewsbcs.org/give-online
Set up a recurring gift using your bank’s online bill pay service.
Mail or drop off a check to the church office with “2025 Pledge” on the memo line.
In church on Sunday, place a check or cash in the offering plate at any of our services. If giving cash, use a Pew Envelope from the pew rack, and be sure to write your name on the envelope.
Give using Venmo (@SaintAndrewsBryan).
Prepay for the entire year by contacting our Financial Administrator, Mark Hafley, in the church office.
Please note that when paying online or through Venmo, Saint Andrew’s incurs a transaction fee.
Q. Can I give by transferring stock or other securities?
A. Yes. Contact our Financial Administrator, Mark Hafley at finance@standrewsbcs.org.
Q. What other ways can I financially support Saint Andrew’s?
A. One way is to remember Saint Andrew’s in your will. According to The Book of Common Prayer, it is “the duty of Christian parents to make prudent provision for the well-being of their families, and of all persons to make wills, while they are in health, arranging for the disposal of their temporal goods, not neglecting, if they are able, to leave bequests for religious and charitable uses.”