Visitor FAQs
What to Expect during your first visit to Saint Andrew’s?
We want you to feel as comfortable as possible while visiting Saint Andrew’s. We have a welcome table in the front of the church (narthex) and in our parlor, and our greeters would be happy to give you a red guest folder and connection card, so that we can contact you.
What should I wear?
Whatever you’re most comfortable in. On a typical Sunday you can see people in anything from casual pants and tops to dressier attire.
Where do I park?
Parking is available along 26th street (or across the street), in our parking lot, and on Parker Street (behind the church). For those with special needs, we have handicapped parking available in the parking lot close to the entrances and a ramp that leads up to the church. We have four entrances: the parking lot entrance which leads the parish hall; the office entrance, (double glass doors which face 26th street); the parlor entrance, double wooden doors which face 26th street; and the main entrance to the church, which is at the top of the steps. There is a handicapped entrance ramp which leads from the parking lot to any of the entrances mentioned above. We also have an elevator lift which leads from the parlor to the church level.
Where do I take my children?
You might find more children in the 9:00 a.m. service, but we welcome children at either! We have an excellent children’s nursery for ages newborn to three. Our Sunday school for pre-K through high school is located upstairs in the youth hall, 10:15-11:05 a.m. (during the school year.) For the young children (ages 1-3) a toddler program is offered in the nursery from 10:15-10:45 a.m. during the school year. We also have children’s chapel during the 9:00 service for ages three through eight (year-round); the children are led out before the Sermon by children’s chapel leaders, and will return at the Offertory. Please ask an usher or greeter if you need help finding anything.
Where do I go before or after services?
We gather in the parish hall for coffee and goodies, before and after each service. Our Christian formation classes are held at 10:15-11:00 during the school year. Please ask an usher or greeter if you need assistance finding the parish hall, restrooms or Sunday School rooms.
How do I become connected with Saint Andrew’s ministries?
Contact the parish office. 979-822-5176, office@standrewsbcs.org.
How do I join Saint Andrew’s?
Contact the parish office to learn more about becoming a member, New Member classes and transfer information, contact our parish office, 979-822-5176.
What to expect during the Worship Service
All Baptized Christians are invited to take Communion. To receive communion, place your hands together and extend them towards the priest. A chalice bearer will present you with the wine.
Guests who are not baptized Christians are welcome to come forward during Communion to receive a blessing, by crossing your arms in front of your chest. We pray silently before and after receiving communion.
We approach the altar from the center aisle and return via the side aisles. You may see some movement among those around you during a service, including kneeling, crossing oneself, and bowing. There will be times that the congregation will read in response and recite creeds collectively. If you are new to a tradition that uses formal prayers and liturgy, we encourage you to participate without concern for “doing things correctly.” Everything you need to know to fully participate will be provided to you in a detailed worship bulletin. We want your visit to be comfortable so that you may fully experience God’s presence, whether you are just visiting or looking for a church home.
Please be sure to fill out a Connect ard and drop it in the offertory plate so that we may connect with you and answer any questions you may have about Saint Andrew’s.